In this Edition

  • Violence and Abuse Senate Inquiry
  • National Disability Employment Framework Consultation
  • Sue Salthouse appointed to PM’s Advisory Panel
  • WWDA Youth Network Update
  • Changes to Website and Email


Violence and Abuse Senate Inquiry Submissions Extended

The deadline for submissions to the Senate Inquiry into Violence, Abuse and Neglect of People with Disability in Institutional and Residential Settings has been extended until June 29, 2015. WWDA is preparing a substantial submission to this enquiry, drawing on over 20 years of work in this area. WWDA also encourages individuals to make submissions, to ensure that the strong and enduring voices of women with disabilities are heard.

The Senate Standing Committee has released two Easy English guides, in addition to the information already on the senate inquiry website [], to assist people to contribute their stories and experiences.

Easy English Guide to What the Inquiry is About (DOC

Easy English Guide to What the Inquiry is About (PDF

Easy English Guide to Making a Submission to the Inquiry (DOC)

Easy English Guide to Making a Submission to the Inquiry (PDF)

In addition to written submissions, the Senate committee is accepting non-written submissions in the form of audio and or video which will then be transcribed. If you would like to make a non-written submission to the enquiry, contact the Senate committee office on (02) 6277 3515.

National Disability Employment Framework Consultation

The Department of Social Services (DSS) has announced the development of a new National Disability Employment Framework to improve access to employment in Australia. DSS will release an Issues Paper shortly which will provide some context to the framework and pose questions to encourage discussion. Written submissions are invited from 25 May 2015 and public forums will be held in each state and territory. To make a submission, visit the Disability Employment Framework consultation page []. For dates and to register for a forum, visit the Attend a Public Forum [] page.

 Sue Salthouse appointed to Prime Minister’s Advisory Panel to Reduce Violence Against Women

WWDA is delighted to announce that WWDA life member and former WWDA President, Sue Salthouse, from the ACT, has been appointed to the Prime Minister’s Advisory Panel to Reduce Violence Against Women. WWDA has strongly advocated for the need to ensure women with disabilities are represented on this important national Advisory panel, and we welcome the Prime Minister’s appointment of Sue to the Panel.

Sue Salthouse brings a wealth of experience to her role on the Panel. WWDA will continue to work closely with Sue in her work to advocate for the rights of women and girls with disabilities in the Panel’s mandate to reduce violence against women and their children.

WWDA takes this opportunity to offer our congratulations to Sue on her appointment to the Prime Minister’s Advisory Panel to Reduce Violence Against Women.

Sue Salthouse Biography

Sue Salthouse is a leading advocate for the realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of people with disabilities. She is particularly concerned with the intersecting discriminations of gender and disability which combine to lower the living standards and reduce life opportunities for women with disabilities. Within this power vacuum women with disabilities are subject to a high incidence of violence, abuse and neglect. Since sustaining a Spinal Cord Injury in 1995 she has worked tirelessly to address discrimination. She wears many hats in the community including as Convener of Women with Disability ACT, ACT Official Visitor for Disability and Co-chair of the ACT Disability Expert Panel advising the government on the implementation of the National Disability Strategy and the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Sue was ACT Senior Woman of the Year in 2014 and is now the 2015 ACT Citizen of the Year.

 WWDA Youth Network

Have you checked out WWDA’s Youth Network Facebook Page? It’s cool and designed for young women and girls with disability aged 13-30yrs.

WWDA Youth Network is also on Instagram! Woo!

WWDA Youth Network is an initiative of Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) to focus on rights awareness for young women and girls with disabilities.

 Noticed some changes to the website?

WWDA has made a few changes to our website [], including streamlined categories and a series of banner images that highlight fundamental human rights contained in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability.

 New Email System

WWDA is trialling a new email system to streamline and simplify communications with WWDA members and our allies. You are receiving this email as a member of WWDA or an individual or organisation who has previously expressed interest in hearing about WWDA activities and projects. You can change your email preferences or unsubscribe using the links in the footer of this email.

Purple cirlce with pink text: 'WWDA News.'