Please note Our Place has now been changed to Our Site.

What is it and why is it important?

There are currently over 2 million women and girls with disability in Australia. Women and girls with disability represent one of the most marginalised and disadvantaged groups in the country. They continue to experience widespread discrimination and violations of their rights and freedoms.
In 2018 Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) received funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Program to create a new website for women and girls (aged 15 and over) with disability.
The new website, Our Site (previously Our Place), is being created by women and girls with disability for women and girls with disability. Over 100 women with disability across Australia have directly contributed to the design and development of the website.
Our Site will provide practical resources and information across five main areas: 
– Human rights
-Leadership and participation
-Decision making and choices
-Sexual and reproductive health and rights
-Safety from all forms of violence.
Our Site will address the severe lack of targeted resources on these topics available in formats that are inclusive and accessible to women and girls with disability.
It will also showcase real stories from over 40 women with disability across Australia.
Above is the Our Site Logo. purple text with a circle scribbled around the word Our.

When will the site be available?

The Our Site website will go live on Friday, 6 March 2020.
The launch event will be live-streamed on the WWDA Facebook page from 1:30 pm Sydney time (AEST).

How can I get involved?

There are a number of ways to make sure you are involved with the Our Site launch.
Become a WWDA Member
Join a group of like-minded women, passionate about improving the rights of women and girls with disability. Becoming a WWDA member is free* and easy and will ensure you have all the details on the Our Place launch. Head to the WWDA Membership page for more information. Become a WWDA Member.

Subscribe to the WWDA newsletter

WWDA sends fortnightly email newsletters to their subscribers. The newsletter will include regular updates and information about Our Site. Sign up now to be a part of the lead up to the launch. Subscribe to the WWDA Newsletter.

Join the new WWDA Facebook group

WWDA has created a new Facebook group for women and girls with disability around Australia to discuss and share their experiences. The topics discussed in the group will be centred around those covered on Our Place. Join the Women With Disabilities Australia Facebook group.
Follow our social media accounts

Facebook: Women With Disabilities Australia

Instagram: Women With Disabilities Australia

Twitter: Women With Disabilities Australia

How do I help spread the word?

It is so important that women and girls with disability all around Australia hear about Our Site. Please tell everyone you know about the website and share our posts on social media. If you would like to promote the website or do a feature about Our Site for your audiences, members or customers, please contact WWDA on
More details on how to help promote Our Site will be made available once the site is live. 
Image text: “Our Place is a comprehensive all-in-one website and safe space, completely purpose built and designed for women and girls with disability.” By Akii