Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) are again leading the way in advancing the rights of all women with disability through the release of an Easy Read version of the Our Site website.
WWDA aims to improve the rights, safety and well-being of women and girls with disability across Australia. To achieve this, it is crucial that ALL women and girls with disability have access to relevant information and resources in formats that are accessible to them.
In 2018, WWDA received funding to co-design a new website by and for women and girls with disability called Our Site. Over 100 women with disability across Australia have directly contributed to the design and development of the website.
Our Site provides practical resources and information for women and girls with disability about their rights in all areas of their lives. It also showcases real stories from over 40 women with disability across Australia.

Easy Read content is targeted at women with intellectual disability and women with low literacy. It is also useful for women for whom English is not a first language. It provides simple clear content and images.
By providing the Easy Read information in a stand-alone website, users can now more easily find what they are looking for and move around the site more confidently.
“The Our Site project has been a huge success and the release of the new Easy Read site will make it even more accessible to all women and girls with disability.” said WWDA President, Tricia Malowney.
“This is the first time we have seen online Easy Read content provided at this standard. We are very excited for its launch and to continue to provide accessible information that supports the rights of all women and girls with disability.”
Monique Crowden, woman with a disability and WWDA Board Member is just one of the women who was heavily involved with its development. She said “it helps break it down and makes it clearer, so [we] can understand the site better.”

Photo above: Photo of Monique Crowden, a woman with short brown hair with a colourful top sitting on a red couch smiling.
We are calling governments and organisations to make accessible communications a priority for their audiences. Our Site’s Easy Read site is a leading example of accessibility standards that governments and organisations should be aiming for. Take a look at the new Easy Read site via oursite-easyread.wwda.org.au.

Media Contacts:
WWDA Media and Communications Officer
Jacinta Carlton