The Annual Report provides an overview of the last financial year and a summary of the key achievements and outcomes of some of WWDA’s key projects and activities for the financial year reporting period 1st July 2019 – 30th June 2020.

The Report demonstrates the breadth, scope and high standard of WWDA’s work, on a wide range of initiatives and programs, across all portfolio areas and across jurisdictions. Our Annual Report highlights and reflects WWDA’s commitment to promoting and advancing the rights and freedoms of women and girls with disability – both within Australia and around the world. Our Annual Report also reflects the human rights-based approach from which we operate.

It is outside the scope of this Report to do justice to the extensive work of WWDA during the reporting period July 2019 – June 2020. However, in compiling this summary report, we have endeavoured to give our members, supporters and funders a synopsis of just some of the key activities our organisation has undertaken, and has been engaged in, as part of our efforts to promote the rights of all women and girls with disability. 

Further detail of WWDA’s work can be found here on our website, at and

View the Annual Report:

A section of the Annual Report front cover. It includes 3 photos of three different women with disabilities.