Issues papers are an important part of the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) and help our community provide feedback on specific topics to the DRC.

Issues papers ask questions about a topic that is important to the DRC. You don’t have to answer every question – you don’t have to answer any of the questions, if you don’t want to. But you are welcome and invited to send any information you think will help the Royal Commission do its work.

All issue papers ask people to respond by a deadline. This is so that your response can help inform any related public hearings. You can provide a response after the deadline and your input will contribute to the ongoing work of the DRC.

Want to learn more about the DRC?

Learn more about the DRC on our website or contact Heidi at WWDA on

Want help tell your story?

Find out how to tell your story and where to get support on our website.

Check WWDA’s submissions to the DRC.

You can view all of our submissions to the DRC on our website.

dark purple background with different coloured circles around the outside. White text reads Issues Papers