We are excited to announce that WWDA will be attending and hosting three parallel events at the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) this year.
WWDA Youth Development Officer Margherita DallOcco – Vaccaro, along with disability advocate and WWDA member, Kelly Cox will attend this year’s CSW in New York. We will also support and work alongside WWDA member Claire Bertolli at the conference. Join our events and follow our WWDA Youth social media channels to stay up to date.
What is CSW?
Each year, the United Nations (UN) hosts the world’s biggest gathering on women’s rights – The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).
Global leaders, campaigners, and policy-makers come together for two weeks at the UN Headquarters in New York to discuss the progress that has been made towards achieving gender equality and the work that is still required to do.
Those discussions and negotiations feed the outcome document, which, if adopted by the Commission, will give guidance to United Nations agencies and UN member states on how to push the women’s rights agenda forward.
This is why it is vital that WWDA attends and contributes on behalf of our members and all women, girls, feminine identifying and non-binary people with disability around the world.
This year’s CSW will take place from 7 to 16 March 2023 (EST).
Join us at CSW!

In-Person Event – Using technology to Advance our Sexual and Reproductive Rights
Are you attending the Commission on the Status of Women in 2023? WWDA will be holding our in-person event in New York on Wednesday, March 8th 2023 at 12:30 pm EST.
Hear from our International and Australian speakers on how technology has played a role in the lives of women with disability, particularly their sexual and reproductive rights and needs, from birth control to parenting.
International Sign Language (ISL), Captions and a zoom webinar watch option will be available to all participants.
If you want to join virtually from Australia, it will be on Thursday, March 9 2023, at 4:30 am (AEDT).
How to take part?
While the official sessions of #CSW67 are only open to registered representatives, there are lots of parallel sessions held by other civil society organisations that people can attend virtually – we are hosting two. Click the link below for more information on those online events.
Register for WWDA’s online events at CSW here!
How to take part in other ways?
Join us as we share the experience from New York across our Youth social media pages. Follow along:
Please help us to promote CSW and our events!
Copy and paste the below text and image with your audiences:
Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) will attend the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) this year!
WWDA is hosting an in-person event with two delegates travelling to New York and will also be hosting two virtual events!
Find out more about CSW, the WWDA events and how to follow along on their website:
[Image Description: Black text on a white background says ‘ Women With Disabilities Australia will be attending the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women. There is a purple box with ‘ Learn More’ below. To the right of the image are three hexagons structured together. The middle one is teal, the other two are blue. The middle one has the white WWDA logo in the middle of it. The NGO CSW67 Forum banner is at the bottom of the page. ]
You can sign up to attend the whole NGO CSW/NY 67 online here.