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Leadership Principle: Challenging and transforming traditional views of leadership
Leadership Principle: Value diversity and lived experience
Leadership Principle: Nothing about us without us
Leadership Principle: Lead by lifting others up
Leadership Principle: Care for self to care for community
Safe leadership
What is mentoring?
Mentoring is where someone with more experience (a mentor) helps guide the learning and growth of someone with less experience (a mentee) [5]
What is a Mentor?
A mentor supports and encourages others by sharing their wisdom and resources and creating a safe learning environment. They support mentees to find the knowledge they need to work towards their goals and dreams, while fostering curiosity, inquiry, and reflection. Mentoring aims to build the mentee’s skills and knowledge over the long-term.
What is a Mentee?
A mentee is the person who is supported and guided through the mentoring process. They choose the goals and areas they wish to develop their skills and knowledge in, with support from their mentor. The mentee is always in control of the direction of the process and shares their insights with the mentor.
Up next
Next, we explore why mentoring can have such positive effects on our community.