Women With Disabilities Australia (‘WWDA’) submits that the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (‘Royal Commission’) must address the specific forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation experienced by young women and girls with disability, as separate, but inextricably linked with the ableism, structural inequality and discrimination which underpins the broader systemic problem of all forms of violence against women and girls with disability. 

Drawing on direct feedback and anecdotes from young women and girls with disability, this Submission makes a number of recommendations that encompass a range of areas and issues – including access to healthcare and services, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS); education, employment, inclusion in the community, research and data collection. 

This section outlines WWDA’s thirty-five recommendations on how to improve the experiences of young women and girls with disability in two stages. It first outlines recommendations to Government that the Royal Commission can include in its Final Report, and then makes a series of recommendations about the direction and focus of the Royal Commission’s work leading up to the Final Report. Sections 2 – 6 of this Submission provide context to and elaboration on these recommendations. 

WWDA respectfully requests that the Royal Commission consider this Submission in conjunction with ALL WWDA’s other submissions to the Royal Commission, particularly its submissions on Restrictive Practices, Sexual and Reproductive rights, Guardianship, Education, Employment, and Reproductive Justice for Young People. 

In relation to this Submission, WWDA makes the following thirty-five broad Recommendations. These Recommendations are provided in no particular order of priority. 
